"The Mind is like a Parachute... It does not work if it isn't open"
Subject: Motivational Monday Message: Heart Health
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2016 05:33:16 -0600
From: mhs@service.govdelivery.com
Motivational Monday Message: Heart Health
The month of February has long been symbolized by the heart. In fact, February is American Heart Month and is dedicated to raising awareness of the leading cause of death in America: heart disease. You may already know that foods laden with fats, refined sugars, and sodium can increase your risk of heart disease. But making positive lifestyle choices, especially when it comes to food, can help keep your heart strong and healthy.
When it comes to having a healthy heart, experts say much depends on how you live day to day.
"It all starts with lifestyle," says Army Lt. Col. Todd Villines, the cardiology consultant to the Army Surgeon General and a practicing cardiologist at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.
United Concordia Companies Inc., of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, was awarded an $11,010,000 fixed-unit price requirements contract to support the TRICARE Dental Program (TDP) by providing comprehensive dental care services worldwide to eligible TRICARE.
This email was sent to rserge1@outlook.com by: Military Health System · The Pentagon · Washington, DC 20301 |  |

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