"The Mind is like a Parachute... It does not work if it isn't open"
Subject: The AFMES Military Working Dog Training Aid Laboratory is "Ruff"on narcotics
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 06:52:17 -0600
To: rserge1@outlook.com
From: mhs@service.govdelivery.com
The AFMES Military Working Dog Training Aid Laboratory is "Ruff"on narcotics
In 2008, the Armed Forces Medical Examiner System assumed responsibility from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service for the Military Working Dog Training Aid or MWD TA Program, which is part of the DoD Counter-Narcotics Program. MWD TA is designed to detect illegal drugs and restrict their transport via personnel, aircraft and ships. The MWD Laboratory manufactures, distributes and, after use, destroys controlled substance training aids for DoD MWD units on military bases worldwide. The training aids are used to train MWDs to detect illegal drug possession and trafficking through military bases.
When Kathryn Harris arrived for her first appointment at the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Service, she was leaning heavily on a walker.
The staff told her to park it at the door next time. "They told me no walker, no wheelchair. You don't need them. You're going to walk," said Harris.
Members of the Polish air force aeromedical evacuation team visited Ramstein's aeromedical evacuation units during a four-day familiarization tour Dec. 1 to 4.
U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa hosted the Polish team hoping to build a stronger bond between the two nations.
This email was sent to rserge1@outlook.com by: Military Health System · The Pentagon · Washington, DC 20301 |  |

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