"The Mind is like a Parachute... It does not work if it isn't open"
Subject: Dog Center Europe treats canine casualty
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2015 05:32:36 -0600
From: mhs@service.govdelivery.com
Dog Center Europe treats canine casualty
When Military Working Dog Rocky and his handler were severely injured by an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan recently, veterinary treatment teams from the Dog Center Europe were called into action to provide critical care to the wounded canine after both the wounded soldier and his dog were evacuated from theater.
A man in an Ebola-stricken area complains to health officials that he feels ill. The officials, clad in full-body protective suits and face masks, guide him to a stretcher and secure him with straps. As they carry him to a health clinic he begins vomiting.
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