"The Mind is like a Parachute... It does not work if it isn't open"
Subject: Shine some light on the winter blues
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 05:32:42 -0600
From: mhs@service.govdelivery.com
Shine some light on the winter blues
Got the wintertime blues? You're not alone.
Navy Medicine attests there are ways to shine some light to prevent and cope with the dark days of winter.
When most people think of plastic surgeons, cosmetic procedures like nose jobs and face lifts are what usually come to mind.
While the plastic surgeons at Womack Army Medical Center do perform limited cosmetic procedures, their primary focus is reconstructive and medically-necessary procedures. These procedures include those that restore function, correct a serious birth defect, restore body form after a serious injury, revision of disfiguring scars, or after a medically-necessary mastectomy.
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