"The Mind is like a Parachute... It does not work if it isn't open"
Subject: Army directive provides more accommodation to breastfeeding Soldiers
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2016 05:32:50 -0600
From: mhs@service.govdelivery.com
Army directive provides more accommodation to breastfeeding Soldiers
A new Army policy provides more prescriptive guidance to commanders pertaining to their support of Soldiers who choose to continue breastfeeding or express milk upon returning to duty.
As days get shorter and colder and daylight becomes more fleeting during the winter months, many people experience a darkness of their own. The lack of sunlight can have a profound effect on people's moods and psyches, leading to a form of depression known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
Although stories are supposed to start at the beginning, this one starts at the end--the end of a brilliant 45-year career of faithful service to our country. But we'll soon discover that the beginning is pretty darn good as well.
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